"Rock the Post is a free business social networking site that serves as a bridge between entrepreneurs, professionals and investors to help take projects to the next level.
The site targets entrepreneurs, professionals and artists with a range of expertise as well as investors who are looking to support a cause or invest in business opportunities.
Regardless of what stage a project is in, Rock the Post brings the community together to pledge money, time and/or resources to help turn great ideas into extraordinary projects.
For example, a fashion designer may not have the funds to accomplish her lifelong dream of building her own clothing line.
By logging onto Rock the Post, she can create a post describing her situation and her fundraising goals. If users on Rock the Post are interested in her clothing line, they can pledge money, time and resources to help her raise the necessary funds to create her clothing line.
Users can choose to keep their posts on the site for 30, 60 or 90 days. If they don’t reach their desired goal within the specific time frame, they can extend the amount of days their post in on the site."
Find out more about it: http://www.rockthepost.com/
Read the Mashable review: http://mashable.com/2011/12/13/rockthepost/