"Imagine what would happen if Coca Cola shared its secret formula, or a popular restaurant shared its secret sauce recipe.
When source codes of software are shared beyond the secret society of their proprietors, a whole new world with unimaginable technical possibilities is opened.
Contrary to popular belief that the proprietors of the secret sauce would lose their pie, they actually get a slice of a much, much larger pie, which makes better business sense.
After all, many of today's tech rock stars like Google and Facebook follow the open source paradigm.
These firms had implemented their ideas using open source technologies when they had started.
And today, they allow free distribution of software developed by them for their internal use. Such open-sourcing enables newer startups to take advantage, yet again."
Full article: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/tech/enterprise-it/strategy/Making-open-source-software-can-be-profitable/articleshow/10737745.cms