Does anyone read Time or Newsweek (being sold to anyone who will take them) any more? And when they disappear, who will really miss them?
The problem is that they are both slow and general. The world, on the other hand, is fast and specific.
Is there a business here?
While there are still people hoping to make a living writing a blog (not as a tool for something else, but as an end into itself), that's awfully difficult to do.
Micro-magazines, on the other hand, feel very different to me. They have elements that make them very attractive to advertisers and readers.
There's room in the market for 100,000 profitable micro-magazines. Why not have one about Aruba, for example?
If all the people who vacation in Aruba could read about the island in detail every month, read about restaurants, resorts and politics, for free, in an easy to share format... Multiply this by every destination, every interest group, every type of profession (how about a micro-magazine for ethnobiologists?)