A Deutsche Bank whistleblower just pulled a gutsy move to highlight what's wrong with Wall Street - Business Insider | Money News | Scoop.it

Eric Ben-Artzi is a brave man. 


The former Deutsche Bank risk officer was one of three whistleblowers who reported improper accounting at the German bank to regulators in 2010 and 2011. 


In 2015, the SEC imposed a $55 million fine against the bank over the issue. 


Ben-Artzi is due 15% of this sum, or $16.5 million. In an opinion piece in The Financial Times on Thursday, he revealed that he had rejected the payout.... 

Read more at http://www.businessinsider.sg/eric-ben-artzi-deutsche-bank-rejects-payouts-from-sec-2016-8/#h3hGcmXfHEbL2l2X.99