What the Gaming Industry Knows About Digital Intelligence | Latest Social Media News | Scoop.it
The gaming industry’s mastery of four strategic digital intelligence capabilities provides a model.


Analytics have been around for more than 20 years now, and yet the demand for analytics has never been greater. The problem is the traditional analytics approach was not designed or intended to handle the breadth of channels, devices, volume, and speed that fuel today’s digital interactions.


That’s why the industry must take an evolutionary step forward. At our firm we believe the answer may be digital intelligence. Digital intelligence essentially supports the collection and management of digital marketing and business data across all channels, and makes that data available to analytics applications.

Digital intelligence is appealing to many, but it’s equally daunting because no simple solution exists for handling massive volumes of diverse data, tracking visitors across digital channels, and directly connecting insights to actions. But one industry does stand out as an early adopter: the gaming industry.


Gaming firms have significant incentives to master analytics because game usage data is their first and best feedback loop into the health of their businesses and the needs of players... Gaming firms leverage digital intelligence extensively to rapidly introduce and deliver visibility to their business, evaluate product enhancements, and inject intelligence directly into player experiences.


The gaming industry’s mastery of four strategic digital intelligence capabilities provides a model that other organizations can learn from. Here’s a brief outline of each.

Via Matmi