Some answers to the most common misconceptions about sharing research data | Latest Social Media News |

"There has been renewed enthusiasm in recent weeks for greater data-sharing practices in the social sciences, due in no small part to the Reinhart-Rogoff controversy. Here, data curation specialist Carly Strasser provides answers to some frequently asked questions from those still sceptical about the technical, practical, and theoretical barriers to data sharing.

. . . Carly: If you are a fan of data sharing, open data, open science, and generally openness in research, you’ve heard them all: excuses for keeping data out of the public domain. If you are NOT a fan of openness, you should be. For both groups (the fans and the haters), I’ve decided to construct a “Frankenstein monster” blog post composed of other peoples’ suggestions for how to deal with the excuses."

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Via ghbrett