5 SEO Quick Tips From @ScentTrail | Latest Social Media News | Scoop.it

SEO Quick Tips
SEO is never going to be so dead sending spiders clues they can understand about what your web pages and website are about isn't a good idea. Until they perfect the digital mind, technical SEO matters and SEO is being done SO BADLY by people who should know better. 

Here are Today's SEO Quick Tips
1. Company name to FAR right in title because you should rank for it automatically AND it is on your website in heavy weight.

2. Keys in rank order with MOST important to the far left in title.


3. USE Headings h1S and sub heads h2S and 3s with KEYWORDS and don't stuff (5 to 8 words max). 


4. Descriptions have character limits of 150 (or so) and don't go over since it looks like spamming. Descriptions should be keyword dense AND natural sounding with copy consistent to the page. 

5. Title, description and body copy should be CONSISTENT and repetitive without being spammy. When in doubt look at a competitor who outranks you.  

Added a note about how I create Efficiency Indexes on Google Plus
https://plus.google.com/u/0/102639884404823294558/posts/HvgEaUhRVnJ  ;

My little Keyword Efficiency idea has helped us make so much money, I created a Scoop explaining the SIMPLE but very profitable keyword reasearch idea: http://sco.lt/4vvgdV ;

Via Martin (Marty) Smith