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Online Business Models
Web-Based Business Strategies and Monetization Models
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
June 4, 2012 5:11 PM!

Product Bundling Creates More Value Than Selling Individual Items Separately

Product Bundling Creates More Value Than Selling Individual Items Separately | Online Business Models |

Robin Good: By bundling together different products, even information-based ones, you have the opportunity to keep prices and perceived value high, even when the competition attempts to drive down prices and to commoditize their offerings. 

"One of the prevalent trends in startups recently is the bundling of products into one, with a combined value greater than the sum of its parts.

This is not a new concept; product bundling is a strategy that has historically been effective in selling products and maximizing economic value.

Product bundling is most effective when bundling high volume, high margin products, commoditizing the individual products and increasing the value of the bundle as a whole.

This means that bundling is particularly effective with information and digital products.

In some cases, bundling of inferior products can actually be more compelling than individual, unbundled superior products.

Here are 6 examples of bundling and the value bundling adds..."

Resourceful. Useful. 7/10

Full article: 

(Image credit: GettyImages on

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Scooped by Robin Good
April 24, 2012 8:09 AM!

Entrepreneurship Becoming Primary Source of SocioEconomic Value

Entrepreneurship Becoming Primary Source of SocioEconomic Value | Online Business Models |

From the article intro: "The slow decline of industrial manufacturing in developed nations and recent failures of financial capitalism across the globe have sent us searching for a new model of economic growth."

From the HBR newsroom: "The essay describes how entrepreneurship is increasingly becoming the world's primary source of socioeconomic value creation and how a new class of entrepreneurship, which the Startup Genome is calling Transformational Entrepreneurship, is taking center stage by synthesizing the scalable tools of Technology Entrepreneurship with the world-centric value system of Social Entrepreneurship.

Transformational Entrepreneurship also represents the guiding philosophy behind the Startup Genome."

Insightful. 8/10

Check out the essay on HBR here: 

Or the longer version on the HBR blog: 

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