Online Business Models
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Online Business Models
Web-Based Business Strategies and Monetization Models
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
May 12, 2013 10:25 AM!

A New Model for eBook Publishing, Distributing and Earning: Screwpulp

Robin Good's insight:

Screwpulp is a new startup that wants to help independent book authors to get their books out there (in digital format), and... if the public likes them, to make also a revenue from their sales.

The business model is very interesting. It works like this:

1. Anyone can publish with Screwpulp and get an ebook out.

2. The first 100 copies of the copies are given out for free to individuals willing to review and rate the ebook.

3. The ebook now sells at 0.99 (or $1) until a thousand copies are sold.

4. Once a thousand copies are sold, price goes up to 1.99 until 10,000 are gone.

And so on.

Authors keep all of the rights to their works and retain 75 percent of the profit.

Find out more:

Free ebooks already available:*=free

Best sellers:*=bestsellers

More info for authors:

Mondfee's comment, May 23, 2013 8:26 AM
Thank you!
Yannick Mériguet's curator insight, June 11, 2013 12:18 AM

Un model de publishing qui parait très efficace. A essayer.

EZIA's curator insight, August 11, 2013 10:07 PM

With so many people trying to publish books, papers, memoirs - this new start-up may be the answer for getting your media to the masses.

Scooped by Robin Good
May 11, 2012 11:08 AM!

Crowdfunded Self-Publishing: Leo's McKay Formula

Crowdfunded Self-Publishing: Leo's McKay Formula | Online Business Models |

From the original article:

"$10: You get one advance copy of the ebook

$20: You get one signed advance copy of the printed book. Delivered by Canada Post.

$50: Your name appears in an alphabetized list of "Friends" on the Facebook page and the website. Plus, you get one signed advance copy of the printed book and one advance copy of the ebook.

$1000: Your name appears in an alphabetized list of "Pillars" on a special page at the front of the printed book. You get two signed advance copies of the printed book and two advance copies of the ebook. You get a limited edition hand-printed copy of the book's cover art, by Ben Brush. The author will also make an in-person appearance at a private venue of your choice in the Maritime provinces and do a reading/signing of Roll Up the Rim. Outside the Maritimes, this perk can be claimed over Skype.

These are some of the options laid out on Leo McKay's Indiegogo campaign site.

Indiegogo is a site where entrepreneurs can raise funds to start a project and McKay is an author, trying to drum up business for his next book.

He launched his Indiegogo campaign "Roll Up the Rim" on Monday April 2, with the goal of raising $8,500 to publish his next book -- titled Roll Up the Rim -- in 30 days..."

Must read for would-be self-publishers. 8/10

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