Online Business Models
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Online Business Models
Web-Based Business Strategies and Monetization Models
Curated by Robin Good
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Scooped by Robin Good
January 17, 2012 3:38 AM!

The Startup Business Model Toolkit:

The Startup Business Model Toolkit: | Online Business Models | is a free web-based tool that has been designed to help entrepreneurs and startuppers organize, plan and structure their new activity. is made up of four modules that take care of specific areas including:

1) ocoach - online coach.

Here you can find a checklist to start your business, a to-do list to help you with completing planned tasks, and a progress chart to keep you on track.

2) sb.plan – (simplified business plan)

This is a simple and useful tool for collecting your thoughts, prioritizing your actions, and planning your business strategy.

3) b.model
The Business Model Canvas, is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model. It is a visual template pre-formatted with the nine blocks of a business model. 

4) bm.chart

This is a page populated by four charts focusing on Profitability, Revenues (bu Customer Segment or by Stream), Costs. It helps the user estimate his market size, revenue streams, and costs — faster than any spreadsheet and it allows you to

test the profitability of your ideas with a quick reporting dashboard.

Find out more: 

(Reviewed by Robin Good)

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Rescooped by Robin Good from Futurism, Ideas, Leadership in Business
September 19, 2011 8:21 AM!

"Totally Customer Centric" - The New Startup Model: Nail It Then Scale It

"Totally Customer Centric" - The New Startup Model: Nail It Then Scale It | Online Business Models |

Great piece, excellent advice and strategy!


"I see more and more entrepreneurs who seem to have everything going for them – vision, motivation, passion, even a good business plan, product, and money, and yet they can’t close customers."


Here's the bottomline:


At the heart of it, to be a successful entrepreneur you have to be totally customer centric, and learn to change and adapt as fast as the market. The pace of change in the marketplace is escalating, so entrepreneurs have to improve their ability to deal with change.


At the same time, more entrepreneurs are jumping into the fray, and less money is available from investors. It’s time for a new startup model. In my view, savvy “super angel” investors such as Mike Maples, Jr., and leading incubators such as Y Combinator, are already on this one. How far behind is your startup?

Via janlgordon, Tom George
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