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Online Business Models
Web-Based Business Strategies and Monetization Models
Curated by Robin Good
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Business Model Engineering
December 2, 2012 5:20 AM!

A Business Model Is The Place To Start From: Not a Business Plan - Steve Blank

A Business Model Is The Place To Start From: Not a Business Plan - Steve Blank | Online Business Models |

Where did the idea that startups write business plans come from?

In the early days of venture capital, investors and entrepreneurs were familiar with the format of business plans from large companies and adopted it for startups. Without much thought it has been used ever since.


A business plan is the execution document that existing companies write when planning product-line extensions where customer, market and product features are known. The plan is an operating document describes the execution strategy for addressing these “knowns.”

A startup is not about executing a series of knowns. Most startups are facing a series of unknowns – unknown customer segments, unknown customer needs, unknown product feature set, etc.

That means that writing a static business plan first adds no value to starting a company, as the plan does not represent the iterative nature of the search for the model.


From the Wall Street Journal article intro: "A retired eight-time serial entrepreneur, Steve’s insight that startups are not small versions of large companies is reshaping the way startups are built and how entrepreneurship is taught. His observation that large companies execute business models, but startups search for them, led him to realize that startups need their own tools, different than those used to manage existing companies."

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Via Peter Hoeve
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Curation, Social Business and Beyond
August 27, 2011 7:40 PM!

Content Curators & Content Owners Have A New Revenue Stream: BookRiff

Content Curators & Content Owners Have A New Revenue Stream: BookRiff | Online Business Models |

This is very exciting news, for publishers and consumers!


Intro:  "BookRiff CEO Rochelle Grayson explains how her company will open new distribution and revenue streams for curators and content owners.


Ever want to compile your own cookbook, travel guide or textbook? Has your publisher edited out sections of your book you'd like to share with interested readers? Publishing startup BookRiffaims to solve these problems by creating new ways to access and compile content.


In the following interview, Rochelle Grayson, CEO of BookRiff, talks about how BookRiff works and how it can benefit publishers and consumers. She says her company is based on an open market concept, allowing publishers to sell the content they want at prices they set and consumers to buy and customize that content as they see fit.


BookRiff will be featured in the next TOC Sneak Peek webcast on August 25.

What is a "Riff"?


Rochelle Grayson: A Riff is a remix of chapters from published books, essays, articles, or even one's own content. The concept behind BookRiff is to create an online platform that allows consumers and publishers to remix and to resell content, while ensuring that all original content owners and contributors get paid.

Via janlgordon
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Rescooped by Robin Good from Futurism, Ideas, Leadership in Business
September 19, 2011 8:21 AM!

"Totally Customer Centric" - The New Startup Model: Nail It Then Scale It

"Totally Customer Centric" - The New Startup Model: Nail It Then Scale It | Online Business Models |

Great piece, excellent advice and strategy!


"I see more and more entrepreneurs who seem to have everything going for them – vision, motivation, passion, even a good business plan, product, and money, and yet they can’t close customers."


Here's the bottomline:


At the heart of it, to be a successful entrepreneur you have to be totally customer centric, and learn to change and adapt as fast as the market. The pace of change in the marketplace is escalating, so entrepreneurs have to improve their ability to deal with change.


At the same time, more entrepreneurs are jumping into the fray, and less money is available from investors. It’s time for a new startup model. In my view, savvy “super angel” investors such as Mike Maples, Jr., and leading incubators such as Y Combinator, are already on this one. How far behind is your startup?

Via janlgordon, Tom George
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